Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Wonderful Wednesday!

Hello everybody!
Today was back to the regular day schedule. This back to normal started with bagels for breakfast!

After avodah (work) and nikayon tzrif (bunk cleaning) it was time for more thoughtful peulot (discussions/ activities) during pish aleph (first age group activity).

While the Tzophimot continued writing this week's oneg (funny skit), the other kuvstot (age groups) tackled some hefty issues. The Chotrimot discussed Jewish identity. The Sayarimot discussed what it means to be an American and have privileges. They discussed how being an American, and the perception of the American Dream, has evolved over time as well as reflecting on their own lives and own privilege. All the other kvustot tackled anti-semitism and their experiences with it and how being part of a youth movement like Habonim Dror can fight back against it.

Pish bet took a more fun path for some kvustot. The Bonimot played board games, the Amelimot and Bogrimot bonded in the Beit Omanut (arts and crafts building, and the Sayarimot spent time in the pool! The Chotrimot spent this time discussing anti-semitism. The Tzophimot discussed American identity and privilege.

Dinner today was barbecued wings, rice and peas!

Our tochnit erev (nighttime activity) was super awesome tonight! It was board game night! The plot was that Mr. Monopoly took over all the other board games and then came to take over Galil. The chanichimot (campers) first "trained" and then Mr. Monopoly found all of them defective. The other board games revolted and were, then, finally able to be themselves again!

That's all for today! Good night everybody! See you again tomorrow!


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