Monday, July 17, 2017

Hello Goodbye (Visitors)

Hello again!

Today was visitor's day! We all had so much fun seeing our parents and (more importantly) our friends' parents! Tzevet was so happy to meet all of you today and looks forward to seeing many of you again in one week!

We loved showing you the various parts of our beautiful machaneh (camp), like our pool and our moadon (where many partook in some rikud (Israeli dancing).

Chilling after parents leave!
After all of you left, our chanichimot (campers) enjoyed an extra long chofesh (free time) before getting back to the normal schedule and going to chugim (clubs). We then had a BBQ dinner before heading into possibly the most popular tochnit erev (night time activity) we have here at machaneh Galil: Zap!

Zap consists of kids crawling across camp as madrichimot (counselors) "zap" them with flashlight beams and tell the to "go back" to either a checkpoint or the starting point. It may sound crazy but it's actually crazy fun. Zap is always a great way to end visitor's day as it's always reliably fun and a great way to get back into camp mode for our chanichimot!

What a craaaazzyyy day! See you all tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Mark and I LOVE coming to Galil for the day and seeing what you committed, passionate, creative, loving, folks are up to. We are so inspired by Galil, and so happy that our girls get to spend time growing in that environment. xoj
