Today was another "regular" day here at machaneh (camp) Galil! We had hitkansut boker (flag raising ceremony) and ivrit shimushit (useful hebrew skit) like normal. Fun fact: the Hebrew word of the day was llama which means why! Breakfast today was eggs and vegetarian sausages. Yummy!
For pish aleph (first age group activity) today the Tzophimot were still away on tiyul (camping trip) so they were not here at machaneh. The Bonimot and Bogrimot and Chotrimot discussed Zionism and responsibility. They used ice cream for part of this discussion. As an entire kvustah they had to choose just 1 topping for their ice cream. This furthered their discussion of Zionism and responsibility by showing how difficult it is to have an entire group make just a single decision that effects the whole. The Sayarimot discussed antisemitism by defining the word and learning about the history of antisemitism. The Amelimot and Chotrimot had instructional swim and the Amelimot also picked berries! Yum.
During pish bet the Bogrimot started planning Bozman-the tochnit erev (evening activity) that they will be running soon. The Bonimot played a sort of color war activity where they trained. What they do not know, but what we know, is this was secretly a way to start preparing them to plan Aliyah Bet-an activity that the Bonimot run once a summer where they bring kids through the woods at night in order to sort of reenact the second Aliyah or pilgrimage to Israel (then Palestine). The Chotrimot and Sayarimot did the same ice cream activity the older kids did during pish aleph. The Tzophimot just got back from tiyul so they spent this time showering and getting back into camp mode.
For tochnit erev, the different kvustot divided up for different activities. The Bogrimot got Bozman planning time. The Tzophimot, Amelimot, and Chotrimot watched a movie. The Bonimot learned, in a series of funny events, that Aliya Bet is actually next session! The Sayrimot had a series of funny challenges before making s'mores!
There was one final thing to happen before the day was over, however. Tomorrow is Special Day Mobsters so tonight we woke the kids up to hang out in a "casino" before being caught by the cops! We, then, all ran away, ready to take tomorrow's Special Day!
See you all tomorrow!
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