We hope that all of you who came today enjoyed visiting machaneh (camp)!
For those of you who missed the festivities, today was Visitor’s Day here at Galil. Family and friends headed across our bridge to greet campers and bring all of their favorite foods for a picnic lunch across the campsite. We also had a table set out for selling t-shirts and ice cream sundaes, proceeds of which will all go into the Camp Galil Scholarship Fund.
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Chanichimot enjoying a picnic lunch with their family |
After a leisurely lunch time, campers and families gathered around the toren (flagpole) by shichva (age group) for a mid-day hitkansut (flag raising/lowering) complete with singing and a skit for Ivrit Shimushit (Useful Hebrew). This helped our families and friends to get a feel for their camper’s daily routine.
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Madrichimot performing an ivrit shimushit (useful Hebrew) skit |
Later, visitors split up by shichva (age group) to learn each other’s name, participate in some ice breakers, and talk to madrichimot (counselors) about what their kids have been doing so far this summer! Then, everyone changed into their bathing suits for free swim. Campers and families were able to spend some time together until the afternoon, when they had to say goodbye. For campers staying for the First Session (4-week stay), they will see their families again in just one week, but those staying the whole summer have another full month until they go home to see their families and friends.
After parents left, the chanichimot (campers) had some chofesh (free time) to relax before getting right back into the regular routine with Zman Meyuchad (specialist’s time), Kibbud (snack time), and Chugim (special interest groups). For mine and Abby’s Zman Meyuchad in the Beit Omanut (arts and crafts building), we brought out some scratch art for our chanichimot!
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Chanichimot hanging out during some free time |
Tonight for tochnit erev (evening activity), we’re playing Zap, a fun game that happens once a summer. Campers will dress up in black and camouflage clothing and try to sneak across machaneh (camp) all the way from the refet (barn) to the pavilion without being caught. If a madrichol (counselor) catches them, by “zapping” the camper with a flashlight, they’ll have to go back to the closest checkpoint.
Thanks for being such kind visitors! If you remember being asked to smile for a family photo at any time today, you’ll be able to find them on our CampInTouch website! Check back in as we return to our regular scheduling tomorrow.
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