Thursday, July 28, 2016

First Full Day of Second Session!

           Good evening parents! Today we end the first full day of machaneh(Camp) after having an exciting schedule loaded with fun and engaging activities. The day started out just like every other day begins at machaneh, all the chanichimot(campers) woke up at eight o'clock and gathered outside around our toren(flagpole) so that we could begin hitkansut boker(morning flag raising). After the flags were raised and songs were sang, the chanichimot gathered together and sat down to watch one of my personal favorite things of machaneh, and that would be Ivrit Shimushit(useful Hebrew words)! The word of the day on this fine morning was stam meaning 'just kidding'.
A chaniach sitting by the pool
         Once that concluded, everyone walked down the road towards our lovely chadar ochel(dining hall) to dig into scrambled eggs, oatmeal, yogurt, fresh fruits, and cereal for breakfast. Once everyone was finished eating, we divided up into different Avodah (work/chore) groups such as gan (gardening), mitbach/bishul (cooking, chopping vegetables), or medurah (gathering wood for Saturday’s bonfire).
Once that concluded, everyone headed back to their tzrifim(cabin) for nikayon(cleaning) to make sure that their beds and floors were neat and tidy.
Stretching before a run 
          Peula Shikvah(age group activity) started immediately afterwards and each shikvah(age group) went to do their own activity. The Amelimot went to instructional swim lessons for the first half to receive swimming instructions from Mitch, our swim instructor for the day. The Anakimot also did instructional swim, but for the second half of Peula Shikvah. Meanwhile the Tzophimot, Bonimot, and Bogrimot all started off the session with kvutsah(group) bonding activities.
Chanichimot doing instructional swim
      With the end of Peula Shikvah comes sports! After the activities concluded each kid was given the option to join a sport of their choice from a list of including Swimming, Frisbee, Just Dance, Running, and Basketball. The chanichimoti ran around and got their daily dose of exercise for close to an hour while at the same time they drank water so as to not get dehydrated.
Green hands after making 'ooblek'
          For lunch today we had baked ziti, and what a great way to kick off the summer with such a spectacular meal! Our mitbach(kitchen) staff never fails to amaze me with each and every meal that they make for us. Later, the chanichimot will have free swim, kibud (snack), chugim (clubs/special interest groups), and shira (singing time) before dinner.
An extatic chanicha with a bored Rosh
          Dinner tonight was a barbeque cook out underneath the Pavilion and tochnit erev(evening activity) is l’fi shikvah meaning each shikvah will be doing their own activity to conclude the day. That’s all for this evening, stay tuned for tomorrow because it will be the first Shabbat of 2nd Session!


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