The Borgrim have had a busy last couple of days at camp (machaneh). After hosting their new Na’aleh friends for 2 days at Galil and participating in Maccabia 2012, they were ready for a normal day and to be together again as a group (kvutza). Today, the bogrim went on the high ropes course. While many of the bogrim have already been on the ropes course in their previous summers, they still challenge themselves to beat a previous time, or to do a cool trick off of the zip line. For example, many of the bogrim tried the giant’s ladder for the first time. The giant’s ladder is part of the high ropes course and usually requires two people to work together to complete it. Sometimes if the campers (chanichim) really want to challenge themselves they tackle the giant’s ladder alone. The giant’s ladder is a wooden ladder suspended in the air and the object of the challenge is to get to the top. To make it more challenging today, some of the bogrim decided that they weren’t going to touch any of the ropes and were only allowed to touch the actual ladder. Eventually they all made it to the top with a lot of encouraging friends cheering them on from the ground.
The bogrim have a lot of responsibility at Galil as the oldest chanichim. As chanichim grow older at Galil and in the movement (Habonim Dror) they obtain more and more responsibility as the future leaders of machaneh. Everyday it is the responsibility of the bogrim to give out the snack (kibbud) for the day to the rest of the machaneh. It is their job to go to the kitchen (mitbach) and coordinate with the staff of the kitchen (tzevet mitbach) of what the kibbud is and the quantity they will need. They are in charge of organizing the chanichim waiting for kibbud and making sure everyone is given kibbud. The Bogrim also plan many of their own activities (peulot) for each other as well as the machaneh. Every summer the Bogrim plan an evening activity (tochnit erev) for the machaneh which we call “Bozman” as well as a themed half of a day which we call “Bo-coup”. These activities help prepare the Bogrim for their future summers at machaneh and also allow them to work together as a kvutza and grow as leaders.

While the oldest chanichim spent their day on the high ropes course the youngest chanichim, the amelim, spent their afternoon by the creek. Their challenge was to build a raft that would float in the creek out of sticks, recyclable materials, duct tape and glue.
There were 4 teams and each team created a completely different float design. After the floats were ready to be tested the Amelim moved closer to the water and each team launched their float. They all did a great job because none of them sank!
Check back tomorrow!
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