Today is Israel Day (Yom Yisrael)! Yom Yisrael is one of the specials days we have at camp (chanichim) each summer. It is a day devoted to educating the campers about Israeli history, culture, and of course food! Many of the fun and crazy activities that are planned also have an educational component to it. Every summer the theme and story plot behind the day is different.
All of the chanichim were split up into groups and participated in a round robin. Each station the chanichim were taught a new survival skill they would need throughout their journey. Of course one of the stations was a hydration station, because hydration is the most important thing during this hot weather! One of the favorite skills was learning Krav Maga. Here the chanichim learned self defense and were able to safely practice their new skills with their friends.
Later tonight we will be learning about the Hanoar Haoved youth movement in Israel. Hanoar Haoved is the sister movement to Habonim Dror, the movement to which Galil blongs. This will take place in a carnival and each station will have a fun activity such as bowling, hair wraps, chocolate ball making and more as well as an educational component about Hanoar Haoved.
Today has been so much fun and we love Israel!
Wow!!! go Israel!