We are finally back to a normal day schedule! These past couple of days have been so much fun but it’s always nice to return to the schedule we know best. Every normal day we have a special time for the specialists (mumchim) to prepare a project, activity (peula), or a crazy game for the chanichim. This time of the day is called Sadnaot (workshops). The mumchim are able to interact and plan fun activities with the chanichim in an area of their expertise. Each day, the age groups (shkavot) will go to a different sad’na and are on a rotation so they don’t have the same activity two days in a row.
The sayarim went to the newest addition to the sadnaot rotation, the Drama sad’na. At this sad’na the chanichim play improv games as well as learn different acting techniques. This sad’na is challenging for some but always ends in laughter because its rare that the chanichim keep a straight face through the entire game.
Other sadnaot that the chanichim go to are the garden (gan), nature (teva), arts and crafts (beit omanut), and spa-bo (spa and Habonim history). The chanichim really enjoy spending time with the mumchim and participating in a new sad'na everyday!
Check back tomorrow!
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