After a very hot Shabbat everyone is excited to be back to a normal schedule. Sadly, we said goodbye to our two weekers today but we can't wait to see them at ken events and again next summer! The ken (literally "nest") is our year round program and we typically have one or two events a month (more information to come later in the summer).
Today the Tzofim (post 7th grade campers) left for their hiking trip (tiyul) and will return tomorrow afternoon. We can't wait to hear all about their adventures!
Today during workshops (sadnaot) the Bonim learned camping and survival skills! They split up into groups of 6 and each were taught how to make a camp fire.
The nature (teva) specialists showed the Bonim (post 8th grade campers) what materials they would need for the fire and where to find the materials as well as how to actually build the fire. After they created their fire each group roasted apples and brown sugar! The skills they learned today will come in handy when they leave for their tiyul trip later in the summer!
Tonight for the evening activity (tochnit erev) we will be having a game show about Zionism. We will be learning about different Zionist thinkers and about Israel while completing fun challenges in teams!
We miss you two weekers!
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