Shabbat Shalom from Camp (machaneh) Galil! We woke up here on this special day at machaneh excited for what was to come. To start off, everybody had been looking forward to muffin day, so breakfast was full of energy. Afterwards, we had extended chore time (avoda) in order to beautify machaneh for Shabbat.

When we have time for extended
avoda, it means that we can do important but less frequent tasks, such as mopping the floor of the dining hall (
chadar ochel). After that, we had an extended period of cabin cleaning time (
nikayon tzrif). All of the age groups (
schavot) put in extra effort today, in hopes that they will win the golden broom this week (the Chotrot (post-fifth grade girls) won last week). Next, we had Madatz
peula (the age group discussion that is run by the counselors-in-training). This week, the Amelim (post-third and fourth graders) discussed bullying with their Madatzim. Some of the topics of discussion were: why does bullying happen and how can bullying be prevented. The Chotrim played fun, team-building exercises with their Madatzim, which included human knots, and obstacle courses. The Sayarim (post-sixth graders) talked about Judaism around the world, and how it is similar and different to Judaism at
machaneh. The Tzophim (post-seventh graders) talked about their
kvutsa (small, united community) and how to make it better. This involved eating ice cream and choosing topics with symbolic meanings (ie. sprinkles = kindness, oreos = friendship, etc). Their Madatzim were kind enough to share some ice cream with me, in return for some pictures of course. The Bonim (post-eighth graders) spoke about Judaism as well. The Bogrim (post-ninth graders) ran a
peula for themselves, because they don't have any Madatzim assigned to them. The
peula that they ran today involved being split up into pairs and learning more about each other while sitting down by the creek.

After Madatz
peula, Shabbat singing (
shira) began! Today, the Bonim got to head to lunch first because they were singing the loudest (and probably also because they had to finish practicing for the play (
oneg) that they are putting on tonight). There were only high spirits at lunch because it was pizza day. Everybody hung out in Hyde Park for while until it was time to begin our
machaneh-wide feedback session. As everyone who had something to say was giving feedback, the Bogrim handed out ice cream as a snack (
kibud). After that, we had rest time (
menucha). During this time, we also had the sport of the week (which was frisbee!), as well as free swim. Towards the end of
menucha, all of the campers (
chanichim) got dressed up for Shabbat. Right now, everyone is in their
mishpacha (family group). They are speaking about their week and reading a section of the Torah. Afterwards, all of
machaneh will come together to lower the flags and sing to welcome Shabbat. Then, we will eat our Shabbas dinner together before doing more
shira and then watching the
oneg! Our night will finish off with some Israeli dancing (
rikud) in the clubhouse (
moadon). Tomorrow, we will not have a blog post because of Shabbat, so I will be back on Sunday. Until then,
toda raba!
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