Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Intersession / Opening Day of 2nd Session

This past Sunday we said bye to many chanichim (kids) as first session came to a close. While it is sad to see so many friends leave, the second session brings in a new wave of energy and excitement. While tzevet (staff) prepares for the new session, the madatzim (CITs) run machaneh (camp) for a couple days called Intersession (the session between the sessions). The last week of machaneh can be pretty exhausting for some chanichim. Between Revo, Special Day, and Final Messiba (party), Intersession provides a great time for rest and relaxation. There is a lot of chill time for the chanichim as well as many surprises! On Monday the madatzim told the chanichim to dress up for a baseball game, however the kids were shocked to find out they were going to see Inside Out. The movie was funny, cute, and like every other Pixar movie- had its sad moments. Another Intersession treat is a game called Mafia. Here is how it is played: there is a loop of "targets" and one can take out another target by whispering a designated phrase, if no one is around to hear this phrase the target is out. The chanichim love this game and look forward to it every summer.

Tzophim playing basketball
Tuesday has finally arrived and it is time to welcome all of the new chanichim for Second Session. The day started with a late kima (wake-up) followed by oatmeal and bagels for breakfast. As the morning moved on, tzevet members moved tzrifim (cabins), completed avoda (work), and beautified machaneh for the new campers. Some chanichim cleaned the bathrooms in our chadar ochel (dining hall) or in the moadoan (gathering space). Everyone took part in making sure the tzrifim (cabins) were clean and ready, and finally around 3:30 the new chanichim started to show up! While everyone was getting settled, some chanichim started to play basketball, cards and hanging out with their new kvutza-mates (age-group); it finally felt like second session had started.  After everyone was settled in, the shcavot (age-groups) began ice breakers to introduce each other and learn about the people they will be living with for the next three weeks. I walked by the Amelim shetach (post third and fourth graders area) and saw them relaxing inside the tzrif, as it was very hot today. The Chotrim (post fifth graders) were playing a game where they were standing on a tarp and pretending the ground around them was lava, and the Sayarim (post sixth graders) were in a circle learning each others names. The Tzophim (post seventh graders) were still getting unpacked and a few were playing basketball or throwing a frisbee around.

Two Bonim having a great day
The Bonim (post eighth graders) and Bogrim (post ninth graders) were hanging out in front of their tzrifim and relaxing. A few of the new Bogrim were being shown the hammock and the picnic table that sits in between the girls' and boys' tzrifim; Bogrim is the only shichva to have a hammock and it is something that is long awaited. After ice breakers the shcavot will go to shira (singing) and hitkansut erev (flag lowering) and then move on to dinner, which tonight happens to be grilled cheese and tomato soup. It is a tradition that every year on opening day we eat this meal at machaneh. Chofesh (free time) follows dinner and the chanichim will do anything from more basketball or soccer to reading on the hammock or just hanging out with their friends in their tzrifim. The tochnit erev (evening activity) tonight is called "nitty gritty" where the chanichim will pick avodot (chores) and chugim (clubs) for second session! It is a fun and exciting time with lots of crazy and interesting options to choose from. Tomorrow will be the first full day of second session and I'm excited to see what it brings; the energy in this machaneh is magical.

The Amelim meeting their new madrich

Finally, I'd like to introduce myself a little bit. My name is Michael Harrison and I've been coming to machaneh since 2008. This summer was my first being a tzevet member, and during first session I was a madrich (counselor) for the Tzophim. Being a madrich was an incredible experience which taught me a lot and I would not trade the last 4 weeks I spent chanichim for anything. After this summer I plan on attending the University of Maryland and majoring in either finance or international business. Machaneh is an amazing place and I see myself working here for a long time. Thank you for taking the time to read my first post and until tomorrow, toda raba (thank you very much).

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