Once machaneh is prepared for the day, the chanichim start their activities with peula shichva alef (first age group activity). These are fun activities or conversations with each age group that cover any range of topics. As I walked around machaneh, I saw the Bogrim (post 9th graders) talking about Jewish identity and how Judaism plays a role in their lives. The Bonim (post 8th graders) and Sayarim (post 6th graders) were speaking about dugma, which reflects being a role model to the chanichim younger than them and also being energetic and fun but serious when needed. The Tzophim (post 7th graders) and Chotrim (post 5th graders) were discussing different structures at machaneh to familiarize the new chanichim. The Tzophim were doing a scavenger hunt and the Chotrim were doing an "Australian safari" in the back of our camp truck! Last but not least, the Amelim had their first instructional swim of the session! After pish (combination of the words peula shichva) the kids get ready for sports; this session some of the sports are basketball, soccer, frisbee, swimming, running, and others. Today has been really hot and humid so after some running around a lot of the chanichim went to schiya chofshit (free swim). Finally we have some shower and rest time before we prepare for Aruchat Tzohoraim (lunch).
Mmmm. Lunch was delicious; the mitbach (kitchen) served frank and beans with cauliflower and rice. After all of that food, lots of people could use a rest so we have a bit of menucha (rest time). I saw a few Bogrim lounging in their hammock, and some of the Sayarim were sitting outside their tzrifim reading. The first chugim (elective) of the new session began shortly after menucha. Chugim usually consist of kef (fun), kef, and more kef. One of the chugim, Zorba, had kids paint their dreams from last night onto their arms and legs! Chugim is one of the most loved parts of the day because tzevet does a great job coming up with unique and creative activities. The rest of the day featured another peula shichva, sadnaot (workshops) which include things like teva (nature) and ivrit (hebrew), and then shira (singing) followed up hitkansut erev (evening flag lowering). The days here are jam packed with action, education, and most importantly a lot of fun.
After aruchat erev (dinner) there will be a little free time and then our insanely entertaining tochnit erev (evening activity). Tonights activity is called Sock Wars; the image behind the idea is that its a mixture of dodgeball, basketball and other recess-type games however you must use a pair of socks rolled up in a ball and the only way to move around is by scooching (not sure if thats a word but hope you all know what I mean) on your butt. After a minute or two of being out the kids are allowed to re-enter the game and continue playing.
In other news, the madatzim (CITs) have mifgash (meeting) today through Friday where the madatzim from our nearby sister machanot (camps) Moshava (Maryland), Gesher (Toronto), and Na'aleh (New York) come and participate in peulot (activities). It's a really great opportunity for the madatzim to reunite with friends they haven't seen since they spent the summer in Israel a year before (on Machaneh Bonim in Israel). It is also really nice to show the younger chanichim how connected our movement is and they are often surprised when the visitors know the same songs, dances, and chants that we do here.
Until tomorrow, shalom and erev tov.
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