Lailah tov (good evening), Galil families! I’m Ross Weisman, and I’m one of the madrichim (counselors) for the Bogrim shikvah (age group)! Today was a very exciting one where my chanichim (campers) “kicked out” the madrichim (counselors) and Madatzim (counselors-in-training). While tzevet (staff) did stay on site during their takeover and even helped out where we could, we allowed the Bogrim to make an entire half of the day their own and really step into our shoes. Bocoup started with a special lunch of pigs in a blanket and sliders! But enough from me! Here’s one of the Bogrim with her recap of this special time.

Hello, parents! My name is Kayla B-W. and I was the communication specialist for “Bocoup”. This is when the oldest chanichim, the Bogrim, plan and run special programming from lunch until lailah (night). This year’s theme was “End of the World”. All of the chanichim had fun exploring exaggerated versions of natural disasters, from a water balloon “avalanche” to a “flash flood” pool party, and ending with a messibah (party) to celebrate our survival! The avalanche was a water fight on the basketball court. Each chanich received their own balloons and a good soaking. It was buckets of fun! The mudslide brought all the chanichim to a slip ‘n’ slide down the hill. Afterwards, a flash flood led us to a pool party! With music playing and the sun shining, our pool excursion was a nice break before being caught in a “sandstorm” of powdered colors. After drying off, the kids all went to the chadar ochel (dining hall) for a special kibud (snack) of dirt cups! No, not a handful of earth but crushed up Oreos and pudding! We then had everyone come to the kikar (field) where we had a carnival of bucket list items. Everything from lip syncing with their favorite celebrities to getting tattoos (don’t sweat, parents; they’re temporary).

After crossing some items off, the chanichim shook some foundation and survived an earthquake aka a blindfolded obstacle course! For the last disaster of the day, chanichim stopped a volcano from erupting by sorting multi-colored balloons against the clock. After a much-needed dinner of enchiladas and asparagus, the day winded down with a survival celebration! All in all, the day was a nice change of pace for everyone. The chanichim got to engage in totally different activities and we, the Bogrim, understood more of what it means to be leaders.
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