Yes, summer is over but the sun never sets on the Galil community. Starting this month we will be offering year-round activities for campers to keep in touch with their friends and continuing learning, celebrating Jewish holidays, and having fun just like at Galil.
We wish everyone a Shana Tovah U'Metukah, a sweet and happy new year! If you're looking for some tasty or crafty things to do as you gear up for the High Holidays, don't forget to check out our Jewish Holidays Pinterest board.
Fall Seminar
Friday, September 21st to Sunday, September 23rd
Please join us for a weekend at camp! Catch up with your friends and counselors by spending Shabbat at Galil. This is the kick-off event for our ken, the year-round programming that Galil provides. You must register here. Any registrations after September 7th will be charged a $25 late fee.
The next two events are not in September, but we encourage you to start thinking about and planning for them now...
Fall Open House
Sunday, October 7th 3-5pm
Come visit Galil's campsite and learn more about how we provide "the spirit of kibbutz...close to home!" Our Fall Open House is a wonderful way to see Galil, ask questions, and become familiar with our programming. Families are welcome -- there will be activities for campers of all ages!
To RSVP or to ask questions, please contact Ilana Goldfus, Assistant Director at (609) 558-1395 or registrar@campgalil.org. Returning families: please keep in mind our referral fees and share your love of Camp Galil with friends and family.
October Registration Discount Deadline
Monday, October 15th
Registration for next summer is now open! We are offering tuition discounts up to $300 for every camper that is registered with a $600 deposit by October 15th and paid in full by June 1st. Last year we had to turn families away from our July and Taste of Galil sessions so please do not wait to sign up!
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