Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Bo-coup Alice and Wonderland!

The morning started out as a normal day...until sports. Today was Bo-coup. Bo-coup happens once a summer and it is a day that the Bogrim (post 9th grade campers) plan for machaneh. The Bogrim run half a day of activities and meals for the chanichim that of course follow a theme. Bo-coup's theme was Alice and Wonderland. They broke the special day right before lunch in full costume. The chanichim enjoyed a day full of special food, a carnival, obstacle course, a movie and a party at the end of the night!

Why do we have Bo-coup at camp?  The Galil experience is more than just seven weeks of fun, swimming lessons, or an opportunity to connect with other Jews.  What makes our camping experience unique is the youth-leading-youth leadership model.  From a young age our campers have the opportunity to step up, speak, and give feedback for the program.  We do this every week at Hyde Park in which campers of all ages have the opportunity to tell the Galil Leadership Team their favorite activities as well as how camp can be improved.  As our oldest campers, the Bogrim get this unique opportunity to test the leadership skills they have learned all summer (and every previous summer) to use!  Next summer they will spend five weeks in Israel, then return to Galil as counselors-in-training.  Bo-coup is an important step for our campers as they climb the Galil leadership ladder.

Make sure to check out all of the pictures on Bunk1 to see all of the fun the chanichim had today!

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