Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Yom Bogrim, Yom Little Kids and Older Kids Tiyul

Sleep in! The chanichim (kids) woke up today at 8:45 to the surprise of a forty-five minute sleep in with no hitkansut boker (morning flag raising) and aruchat boker (breakfast) starting at 9:15. Why? Well today is a bit of a different day at machaneh (camp). Firstly, the Tzophim (post 7th graders) and Bonim (post 8th graders) left for tiyul (camping) this morning while everyone else made their way to the chadar ochel (dining hall) for breakfast. They will return tomorrow afternoon after a day of hiking and hanging out with each other in the wilderness. While they are gone everyone else is on a bit of a different schedule, which is why we started the day off with a sleep in.

Yom Little Kids (Day for Little Kids) is a day designed just for the younger shcavot (age groups). It was started right after avoda (chores) and some nikyon tzrif (cleaning of the cabins). The madrichim (counselors) began the day of fun by splitting the chanichim into two teams, red and blue, and playing a game of capture the flag with shaving cream. It was essentially machaneh wide capture the flag with the tzvatim spraying the kids with shaving cream as they run by! After an hour of this the chanichim were pretty tired so they were given a little free time and rest time to relax before lunch. Meanwhile the Bogrim (post 9th graders) were relaxing and watching a movie with each other in their BogMo (Bogrim gathering space). They used some of their kupa (candy) and picked a movie together while enjoying each others' company.

A Choter going down the slip n' slide
After aruchat tzohorayim the younger kids were given an hour of zman kvutza which is time with your kvutza. The Sayarim (post 6th graders) were given time to practice for Kabalat Shabbat which is when one age group, this week the Sayarim, perform a song in Hebrew, a song in English, and a dance for everyone before we make our way to dinner on Friday evening. The Chotrim (post 5th graders) were given the Oneg this week, so they will be writing and practicing the skits they will be performing on Friday as well. The Amelim (post 4th graders) hung out in one of the tzrifim (cabins) and played games that helped them get to know each other better. Kvutza building activities are something that we are passionate about at this machaneh; we want the kids to understand they are more than just friends who live together for a few weeks, these are life-long friendships. They then changed into bathing suits and prepared for one of the best activities Galil has to offer - the slip n' slide. We have a very long white tarp that we use and we set it up on the hill next to the parking lot and the kids ride down on mattresses or just on their stomachs. They went from there down one of the trails to the back entrance of the pool where they threw a pool party and had some kibud (snack). There was then some chofesh and chill time before dinner!

A Boger jumping in the pool

When I checked in with the Bogrim they were learning some old school Galil shira (singing) songs. These are songs that people made up when the current Amelim were being born! After that they made a Bogrim flag that they hung up in their BogMo (short for Bogrim Moadon). Following that there was a pool party for the chanichim with some chill time before they got the big news...BOCOUP! Bocoup is a day where after lunch the Bogrim "kick out" the madatzim and tzevet and they do fun activities with the chanichim for the second half of the day. It is a little bit like Revo, in a sense that its a program designed to help teach leadership skills and also a day of fun for the chanichim. After the news of when this was happening was given to the kids, they were given some planning time at the creek. After the excitement died down the Bogrim made their way to our gan (garden) to participate in a meditation run by our garden specialist.

A Boger with his madrichim
Aruchat erev will be served and only half of the chadar ochel will be used because so many chanichim are on tiyul or eating in their shetach (area outside of the cabin). For tochnit erev (evening activity) the younger shcavot are going to pile into the moadon for some relaxtion and chill games. All of the chanichim will hangout peacefully with each other as the wound down before bed. The Bogrim are going to play their tzevet in a game of frisbee for a little bit and then have more planning time for bocoup. After an hour or so they will go to the BogMo for a deep kvutza building activity that many of the chanichim do in Bogrim (including myself all those years ago).

Until tomorrow, laila tov (goodnight).


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