*Where in Israel are you from?
-Gan Ner, which is a small settlement in the north of Israel on Mount Gilboa.
*How old are you?
-I am 23 years old.
*Have you ever traveled to the United States?
-No, this is my first trip!
*Tell us a little bit abut yourself and your family?
-I was born in Nez Ziona to a Brazilian mom and a 'Zabar' (born in Israel) dad. I have 3 younger sisters and young brother, a dog and a cat. I was both a Chanicha and a Madricha at the youth movement Bnei Hamoshavim in Israel. I did a gap year through Bnei Hamoshavim when I finished high school and before I joined the IDF. I studied History and Arabic in high school and served in the Intelligence Forces in the IDF.
*Why did you want to work for Habonim Dror Camp Galil?
I loved being a part of a youth movement. I'm still amazed by the incredible people I had the chance to work with. I wanted to continue doing what I love, but in a different environment. I felt that Habonim Dror and Camp Galil seemed like a good combination of the job that I love and the opportunity to experience a new place and movement.
*What would you like to accomplish as this year as our shlicha?
-I want to build strong, personal relationships with the ma'apilim and chanichim, I want to play an active role in the Galil community, as well as the entire Philadelphia Jewish community, and I want to bring Israel "as I see it" to the Galil community.
*What would you like to accomplish as this year as our shlicha?
-I want to build strong, personal relationships with the ma'apilim and chanichim, I want to play an active role in the Galil community, as well as the entire Philadelphia Jewish community, and I want to bring Israel "as I see it" to the Galil community.
*What is your favorite holiday?
-Shavout (שבועות), because we have a HUGE dinner of just dairy food and everyone is wears white and dresses themselves with flowers.
*What is your favorite kind of music?
-Old Israeli music such as Arik Ainstein, Kaveret, Hava Alberstein.
*Do you have any hobbies?
-I enjoy taking Cuban Salsa dance classes.
*If you were stuck on an island and could only bring 3 things with you, what would they be? -A Good book, a notebook, and a pencil.
*What's your favorite candy?
-Anything that combines peanut butter and chocolate!
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