Friday, August 22, 2014

Have you met Hila?

We are very happy to introduce the newest member of the Galil Family, Hila Huber!  Hila is our new shlicha and will be working with the Eizor (our year-round programming)! We interviewed Hila to learn a little more about her. If you have the time, click here to check out the video version of this interview!

*Where in Israel are you from?
-Gan Ner, which is a small settlement in the north of Israel on Mount Gilboa. 

*How old are you? 
-I am 23 years old.

*Have you ever traveled to the United States?
-No, this is my first trip!

*Tell us a little bit abut yourself and your family? 
-I was born in Nez Ziona to a Brazilian mom and a 'Zabar' (born in Israel) dad. I have 3 younger sisters and young brother, a dog and a cat. I was both a Chanicha and a Madricha at the youth movement Bnei Hamoshavim in Israel. I did a gap year through Bnei Hamoshavim when I finished high school and before I joined the IDF. I studied History and Arabic in high school and served in the Intelligence Forces in the IDF.

*Why did you want to work for Habonim Dror Camp Galil? 
I loved being a part of a youth movement. I'm still amazed by the incredible people I had the chance to work with. I wanted to continue doing what I love, but in a different environment. I felt that Habonim Dror and Camp Galil seemed like a good combination of the job that I love and the opportunity to experience a new place and movement.

*What would you like to accomplish as this year as our shlicha?
-I want to build strong, personal relationships with the ma'apilim and chanichim, I want to play an active role in the Galil community, as well as the entire Philadelphia Jewish community, and I want to bring Israel "as I see it" to the Galil community. 

*What is your favorite holiday?
-Shavout (שבועות), because we have a HUGE dinner of just dairy food and everyone is wears white and dresses themselves with flowers. 

*What is your favorite kind of music?
-Old Israeli music such as Arik Ainstein, Kaveret, Hava Alberstein.

*Do you have any hobbies? 
-I enjoy taking Cuban Salsa dance classes.

*If you were stuck on an island and could only bring 3 things with you, what would they be? -A Good book, a notebook, and a pencil.

*What's your favorite candy?
-Anything that combines peanut butter and chocolate!

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