Monday, June 30, 2014

Finding Beauty in Unexpected Places

Today, during sadnaot (workshops), the Chotrim talked about waste and garbage disposal. They sorted through a trashcan to see what was and wasn't a necessity, and what could have been recycled. The Chotrim shared ideas to make machaneh life more environmentally conscience. They then took the trash and made it into art, as a way of producing something beautiful with "trash" that would otherwise go into a landfill.

We are painting a mural this summer! The Bonim were the first group to work on it. They traced the design to be hung next to the water tower. The mural (which will be revealed at a later time) was inspired by the Peter, Paul, and Mary song "If I had a Hammer." 

During chugim (clubs), yoga did quite an intensive session! They worked on many different poses and tried to hold them in place for as long as they could. Yoga is harder than it seems!

Chanichim holding a tree pose
In the chadar ochel, Chug Frisbee ate latkes out of the frisbees! (Don't worry, they cleaned the discs first.) Their objective for the summer is to see how many frisbee-like things they can explore, and they seem to be off to a great start!

Chanichim eating latkes off (clean) frisbees  

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