Last Day of Camp!
After a fun Candyland themed final party (mesiba), everyone woke up excited to see their families and ready to say goodbye to their camp friends. Breakfast was our traditional bagels with cream cheese, after which we did some last minute cleaning and packing. After grilled cheese lunch, families began picking up their children. Next, everything was ready, everyone had time to say goodbye to friends. Though they were upset to say goodbye, the campers (chanichim) are looking forward to seeing their friends again at Galil Fall Seminar, on September 27th and other Ken events during the year.

We thank everyone for such an amazing summer-- we learned and built our community, we traveled to Israel and back on Yom Israel (Israel Day), we went rollerskating and travele to Crystal Caves on Kupa Trip, and had a fun colonial adventure for the special evening activity (tochnit erev miyuchedet). We hope to see you at Ken events this year and next summer. Though my time as blog writer this summer is over, there will be blog posts and pictures going up regularly during the year. This has been Toviah Botwinik, Communications Specialist signing off.
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