Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Taste of Galil and Bonim Tiyul

Today was another exciting day at Galil as we welcomed our friends from Taste of Galil and the Bonim (post-8th graders) left on their camping trip (tiyul). Taste of Galil is a special four day program for post-2nd graders to experience life at Galil. Each day is filled with fun activities, team-building and art projects to give the campers in the program (Nitzanim) a concentrated taste of Galil. Today they made t-shirts in the Beit Omanut and played games with toys in the pool. Using the skills they learned trailblazing during Aliya Bet, the Bonim left for their tiyul, where they will be hiking in the woods, setting up camp, cooking their own dinner and rock climbing.

The rest of camp was also having a great time today: During instructional swim, the Amelim (post-3rd and 4th graders) swam laps with kick-boards and learned about building communities using rocks at the creek. The Chotrim (post-5th graders) learned about social movements in Israel. The Sayarim (post-6th graders) learned about revolutionaries and social activism in history in a mini-museum. The Tzophim (post-7th graders) had a Yom Kvutsa (bonding day) today, where they spent the day team-building, talking about they community they wanted to create, and learning more about each other. The Bonim discussed their roles as leaders at camp and in their communities at home before leaving for tiyul. The Bogrim (post-9th graders) worked on planning activities for younger chanichim. The Madatzim (junior counselors) finished the first half of their work project, and set up tree benches around machaneh!

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