Today was beautiful, so we took advantage of the perfect weather for our first day of sports. After washing up, our kitchen staff (tzevet mitbach) treated us to a tasty outdoor barbecue lunch, with some incredible french fries.
At Galil, one of the keystones of our day is the age-group activity (peulat shichva). Our counselors run a wide array of peulot for campers (chanichim), ranging from team-building to teaching about Jewish holidays. During any normal day, there is one peula after breakfast and one after lunch. In the morning, the younger age groups (schavot) go to the pool for instructional swim. For the rest of the allotted
time (and for older schavot), the counselors (madrichim) run a variety of programming.

The Amelim (post 3rd and 4th graders) played sharks and minnows in the pool today and finished their deep-end test.
The Sayarim (post 6th graders) learned how to identify vegetables during peulat shichva aleph today and how symbiotic relationships in the garden (gan) are analogous to their own friendships and interactions with their age group (kvutza).
The Tzofim (post 7th graders) learned leadership skills and discussed democracy.
The Bonim (post-8th graders) had a discussion about kupa, the shared candy collection and how to share equally and fairly.
The Bogrim (post-9th graders) left after breakfast for their 2 day camping trip (tiyul) to the Poconos!
The Madatzim (junior counselors) went to the creek and discussed the goals for the summer. Later, they had a very active peula about styles of education.
Keep checking back with the blog, remember if you have any mail, send it to:
Name - Shichva (age group)
146 Red Hill Road
Ottsville, PA 18942
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