Today has been an exciting day at Machaneh Galil! We had Revo, which, for those of you who don’t know, is a day where the Madatz, assisted by the Bogrim, "take over" camp and plan a day of fun for all the campers. Our theme is the oldie, but goodie, Bob the Builder.
It began last night when the camp gathered on the basketball court for a fire drill. Sara Zebovitz then gave a joking talk about how camp has to close for 2 weeks because of a plumbing issue. After an uproar among the campers, our Bob the Builder and Wendy came out and told Sara that "we can fix it," and there’s no need to close the camp! Bob told the campers that the madrichim are just trying to close the camp and we need to kick them out! So we all joined together in kicking out the madrichim (who wouldn’t go without a fight). Finally, once the madrichim had gone, Bob and Wendy told us all to go to bed because we had a long day ahead of us if we’re going to fix machaneh!
Bob the Builder and friends raising their flag |
The dunk tank |
After the water fight we all went to the pool, which had been decorated with signs and caution tape to make it look like a construction theme. We spent a good amount of time in the pool, then the kids went back to their tzrifim to rest and get changed. Lunch was barbecue wings, fries, and green beans, which was described as “the best part of the day” by a Tzopheh. It was decorated to look like workers eating lunch on a high rise construction site.
Once we were good and full, we went to the moadon and watched Wreck-It-Ralph. In the middle of the movie, the truck brought us some delicious dirt for our snack (pudding with oreo bits and gummy worms). After the movie, we divided into 4 teams and did a photo scavenger hunt with tasks such as re-enacting a scene from the titanic, acting like robots, Beyonce power poses, and planking somewhere in machaneh. After many laughs, we did our final activity which was “Capture the Tool.” We had to capture the people running around the field with giant foam tools, in order to capture the tool to save machaneh!
Bob habanai- KEN KEN KEN!