Last night the pipes were left on and the ocean came flooding into Galil! When the ocean came in it brought with it various sea creatures for whom the chanichim performed tasks in exchange for information. These tasks included making up songs, running races and forming human pyramids. With the help of the chanichim we were able to push the ocean back and restore machaneh. Afterwards we all went to the pool to celebrate this momentous accomplishment.
The Bogrim with their Am-Bo-buddies holding their breath underwater |
Dina and Brooke as sea creatures |
In the morning, the Bonim did a peula (group activity) where they watched clips from the movie "Mean Girls" and talked about dynamics around cliques and bullying. They were broken into small discussion groups which made it easier for them to express how they really felt about these issues.
The Bonim during their peula |
During Pish Bet (the second group activity of the day) the Tzophim did an activity that focused on the importance of communication between one another. First they had to try and make cocoa balls (cocoa powder, sugar, graham crackers, milk) without speaking. Then they had to make a poster which they all talked about beforehand. The Tzophim then compared the two experiences and discussed the importance of communication when trying to accomplish tasks.
The Tzophim before making coco balls |
The Chotrim were all about building trust today. They were all blindfolded, and connected to each other by holding hands while relying on the person in front of them to guide them. In this way, they circled the camp completely dependent on one another.
The Chotrim being led by their madrichim |
The Sayarim before instructional swim |
The Bogrim left for tiyul (overnight hiking/camping trip) today and tomorrow they will be back with loads of stories about their trip including kayaking lessons!
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