Thursday, July 4, 2013

4th of July!

Bogrim handing out cookies during kibud
Though today ran on a normal schedule, it was by no means a normal day. During morning flag raising, everyone showed up wearing red, white, and blue and feeling patriotic. After singing and flag-raising, we had a special breakfast with chocolate milk to start off our exciting day! We had great weather today, so sports was especially energetic after the past few rainy days. After lunch we sang many classic patriotic songs and anthems. A pool party during free swim (schiya chofshit) followed, and everyone chowed down on red white and blue cookies during snack time (kibud). This evening, the campers (chanichim) will be treated to a fireworks show.

The Amelim and Bogrim (post 3rd and 4th graders, post 9th graders) played a huge game of capture the American flag as Am-bo buddies (pairs of youngest and oldest chanichim). The Amelim also recorded a special message for the Galil Radio station. They are very excited to hear their voices tomorrow on the radio!
The Chotrim (post 5th graders) learned about Jewish history and different sects of Judaism by acting out scenes from their favorite Jewish movies.
Amelim in the radio booth
The Sayarim (post 6th graders) learned how swim the breast stroke and played sharks and minnows in the pool and practiced their Israeli dance and Hebrew song for kabbalat shabbat tomorrow.
The Tzophim (post 7th graders) were on the high ropes course today for the first time. After lunch, they worked together and supported each other when tackling the zip line.
The Bonim (post-8th graders) helped bake muffins for tomorrow morning! They made some special flavors like banana strawberry. Additionally, they played a game of manhunt, British vs. Patriots.
The Madatzim (counselors in training) planned activities and spent time with the chanichim with whom they work.

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